Wednesday, February 13, 2008

wednesday night, february 13

okay - start your praying engines. they've decided to begin a series of dialysis beginning tomorrow morning (thursday) and lasting through saturday. they'll do one treatment each day, each treatment lasting approximately 3 hours. they believe his kidneys are just struggling because of the high dosages of antibiotics, drugs, and the trauma of the surgery making them weak from lack of blood supply.

the prayer focus needs to be that once the dialysis begins, these first few treatments will flush all of the toxins and drugs out of his system - allowing him to have more strength to fight through - and that they will give the kidneys a clean slate and dialysis will be a temporary situation. we pray that his kidneys have enough life left in them to "come back to life" once they're cleaned out with the dialysis.

he's still at the same point of alertness (only blinking his eyes under his eyelids). he did move his head towards my voice today and he was moving his mouth around the ventilator. all positive signs.

surely once the toxins start to be flushed out, he'll awaken shortly within the next few days.



Anonymous said...

praying at the midnight hour...and many other hours throughout the day...praying that God's spirit and angels surround your dad in his room throughout the whole process...amy

Anonymous said...

wake up uncle terry wake up!!

i'm ready for him to look at ya'll and know that ya'll are there with him and have been.


Anonymous said...

I pray that he does well the next few days!!!.... so I can poke fun of him when he wakes up.... I love you all!!! Tweet Tweet