Friday, February 15, 2008

friday morning, february 15

dad is currently receiving his second dialysis treatment right now. he's becoming more alert and aware as time passes. specific requests:

blood pressure
kidney function
alert level, awareness
pain level

we've been asked by so many people about visitation. right now, the doctors have requested the only visitors be mom and us (the kids). and even we have to rotate when we're in the room. so until furthur notice, we ask for just your thoughts and prayers. we'd love to be able to see everyone and everyone to be able to see dad, but in his condition, it's just not the right time. what's most important is dad's healing and recovery.

again, thank you for all of your comments and emails to dad and our family. we can't wait for him to get better, and when he does, it'll mean so much to him to read your words.

until later...


Anonymous said...

This is Dot and Parnell trying to leave our thoughts and prayers about Terry but don't know if you will get this or not as we are pretty computer ignorant.We are praying for Terry to be made well again and praying that the doctors will do whatever they feel is best and that God will lead them to do the right things.

Anonymous said...

Praying that many miracles happen right away and that Terry will be feeling better than ever very soon.
May each of you feel God's love, strength, and comfort during these difficult days.
Hugs & Prayers from the Midland Stadium Chair Office