Thursday, February 21, 2008

thursday afternoon, february 21

today is a better day for dad's mind and spirit! woo hoo!

he's much more aware and alert. he's "coming to" finally. his confusion is waning, and he's already asking for some books and his cell phone. wonders never cease! (we're keeping the cell phone hostage for quite awhile longer, though)! the amazing thing is that he's YET to even mention wanting a cigarette - which is VERY interesting! obviously, he can't ever smoke again, but for someone who's had the habit for 40 some odd years, it's shocking that it hasn't come up yet, but when it does, let's just say i hope i'm not in the room! ha!

he's been eating some jello and had some juice, so that's his first "real food" in two and a half weeks. the poor thing has lost somewhere around 35-40 pounds (the dialysis pulled off about 35 pounds of fluid alone). they're going to continue doing some breathing treatments for his lungs because they still have some fluid in them.

the other good news is that he might be changing rooms today (or tomorrow), so he won't be in the CCU anymore. i'm not certain if he'll be in the ICU or if they'll put him on a regular floor. they still want him to have minimal stimulation because he was so overloaded with confusion and agitation when he awoke a few days ago, so we're taking it slowly. i didn't go up to the hospital yesterday or today because they still want it to be just him and mom for a few days, but he did tell me i need to try to sneak my baby into his room when he has some new digs. ha!

so it seems everything else is snapping into place except for those kidneys! they didn't do dialysis today. i believe they'll just be doing it every other day from here on out. keep your prayers focused on the kidneys! everyone knows how important this is...we do not want dad to have to be on dialysis much longer!

i said, "dad, you are in big trouble! you scared us more than you know!" he said in his low, joking, sassy voice, "bay-beh, i apologize." it's so great to be able to hear him tease again (although, i don't know if his nurses agree)!

God has been so good to answer all of our prayers with the outcomes pleasing to dad's healing. everytime we have asked for a specific thing, it has happened. so we have faith that if we keep asking for healing for his kidneys, that this one big specific prayer that has yet to receive an answer will receive one favorable to dad in time.


Anonymous said...


Great news to hear. One giant step today. Remember not every day will be a giant step but all those tiny steps add up giant ones. Next time he asks for the cell phone, remind him that I like to call him real late so he might not be as ready as he thinks for that stupid phone. lol. just kidding.

Larry Rimmer

Anonymous said...

Hi, Whitney -

I've been eagerly awaiting every update - I am SO glad you did this!!!!! It's so great to feel in touch with what's going on, & know it's up-to-the-minute info! I just figured out I could write you - I'm not very computer literate!

Tell your Mom I had a dream about her bringing Terry home from the hospital. Robert & I were at their house, cleaning and getting everything ready, but couldn't get done because it was a super-huge mansion and they had left it so messy! ha!

Please send our love to Judy & Terry...I know everything's going to be fine now.

Love you lots!


Anonymous said...

Wow!!! Great news to hear he is strong enough to go to a room, even if it is just down the hall to ICU. I will pray for strong kidneys. Give your dad a hug for me and tell him to get well soon.
Love you all!

Unknown said...

Spent a couple nights catching up on the blog and extremely glad to hear how well Terry's doing. That's a scare of epic proportions. (still an understatement, I'm sure) Our prayers are with you all. Hope you remember to get some rest, too.

Don, Tammy, & Dillon

Linda Anderegg said...

Dear Terry and Family,
We want you to know that everyone at Athletic Supply - Odessa - is praying for your full and quick recovery. We are keeping up with your progress through this great blog. Whitney, you are doing a great job. Thank you for taking the time to keep us informed. We know Terry will be back before we know it.
Linda and Rick Anderegg

Anonymous said...

whit and jace....
you just tell terry to quit fakin' and get those kidneys working. i need the funny emails.... the needling comments .... let's be honest i want to open the box of Moo Pies and it just doesn't feel right with him in the CCU. :) i love y'all!!! GET WELL SOON!!! p.s. it is a trip when your dad quits smoking. i still marvel at my pops!!! love you, tweet tweet

Anonymous said...

Terry, we are still praying that those kidneys will wake up soon and do their thing on their own.It seems that things are moving right along like they are supposed to.You family,hang in there and a few months from now you will all be talking about these trying times and praising God for the miracles He has performed in this situation.Love to all, Dot and Parnell

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Our family and church families continue to pray for Terry and your entire family. God is faithful.

Cousin Sharon