Saturday, February 16, 2008

saturday evening, february 16

the third dialysis treatment was today. it went well. his kidney levels continue to rise a few hours after the treatments, but they HAVE stair stepped down each day, so that's the direction we want to be going in...we're praying the levels take larger jumps down as the days progress.

he's been resting better today. he was a little agitated earlier this morning with all of the bells and whistles as they began the treatment, so his blood pressure shot up over 200, but it's now back down into the 150s, so that's a relief.

we just need to make sure his kidneys continue to output the toxins themselves and that they don't just let the dialysis do all the work for them...

they still have the ventilator in his throat, but he's been breathing on his own all day, which is a GREAT sign for the lungs! it's possible that over the next few days, they'll ween him off of that and be able to take the vent out. it all depends on how consistent his breathing remains. this is a direct answer to prayer.

they'll be taking tomorrow (sunday) off and not doing a dialysis treatment. i believe they'll be resuming the treatments on monday and giving them every other day.


Anonymous said...

ok. this whole "i'm really sick" thing is getting old..... real old. i want the kidder back!!! i want the priceless emails back. i want the 'my mom and dad were driving through the hills and stopped to scope out the birds.' enough already... you have our attention. let's get back at it. i mean it.... i go from bird to bat really fast. i heart you guys!! tweet tweet

Anonymous said...


Thanks for the updates via this blog. It is a wonderful idea. Now that prairie dog is waking a bit, tell him if he doesn't wake soon I'm going to call him on his cell and wake him up. 2:00 A.M. of course. lol

I have been praying everyday that he will fight back and sounds as if God is giving him the ability to fight.

All of you are in my thoughts everyday.

Larry Rimmer